Tuel Lane Infant School and Nursery

Tuel Lane Infant School and Nursery

Confident, Curious, Creative Learning

Tuel Lane. Sowerby Bridge, West Yorkshire,HX6 2ND


01422 831221


The Tuel Lane Curriculum

Our curriculum is carefully built around the needs of our children. It starts with the children understanding themselves, their families and friends and where they live and uses this as the cornerstone to build their understanding of the world.

The curriculum considers: the skills and interests of our teachers, the locality and community of the school, the relationships between our school and other institutions, the school’s place in the wider world and the responsibility of educating children to flourish in modern Britain. It matches and in parts exceeds the expectations of the National Curriculum and EYFS.

Learning happens in our school because subject leaders and teachers:

  • Are very clear how the school curriculum, and within that individual subjects, build upon previous knowledge and encourage deep learning
  • Understand the value of key knowledge and understanding
  • Understand the value of key skills and vocabulary
  • Plan some subjects discreetly, to be delivered daily/weekly
  • Know what children should learn and be able to do at each stage so that assessment is accurate and intervention swift and agile
  • Work hard to ensure every child can access the curriculum by scaffolding learning, adapting resources and removing barriers
  • Plan some subjects around themes and topic so that the acquisition of knowledge and skills is purposeful and engaging and develops children’s fascinations
  • Use teaching strategies and language with confidence and expertise to encourage children to think deeply, ask questions, debate and have opinions
  • Offer opportunities for children to share and celebrate their learning
  • Invite parents to become involved and support learning wherever possible
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